2021 Price LIst

Looking forward to spring, keep an eye out for new products in the store. I am also taking orders for March.

2021 Broomtail Design Price List

(Updated Jan 17)


This list is just a general idea of product pricing, some items will be outside of estimates. Shipping is NOT included in the prices on this list, generally USPS Flat rate shipping is used, some smaller items I am able to use first class shipping. Prices are subject to change at any time, even if this list hasn’t been updated.


  • Average horse sizes (28”-34”)

    • Mohair or Alpaca: $85-125

    • Horsehair: $150+

    • K-style and Sawbuck style cinches: $175+

    • Breast Collars: $155+

    • Decker pack cinches: $85

    -  Pony sized cinches: $35-75

Other items depend on the size

Bit Hobbles - $6

Curb Chains

Stainless Steel $5

Cotton Hobbles - $22

Get-Down Ropes

Horsehair tassel/latigo popper - $45

Simple tassel/popper - $30


Basic/Average rope $12

Stiff “Clinician” Rope halters $24

Rein Hobbles

Adjustable w/ snap on each end $9

Ring on one end with a snap on the other $8


Single $13

Pairs $24

Sets of 4 $40


Plain $22

Leather Covered Mouth $28



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