
Merry Christmas!! If you are a last minute shopper, take advantage of the Last Minute Stocking Stuffer Sale, 20% off the entire store, and everything ships day of or the next day!

2021 Price LIst

2021 Broomtail Design Price List

(Updated Jan 17)


This list is just a general idea of product pricing, some items will be outside of estimates. Shipping is NOT included in the prices on this list, generally USPS Flat rate shipping is used, some smaller items I am able to use first class shipping. Prices are subject to change at any time, even if this list hasn’t been updated.


  • Average horse sizes (28”-34”)

    • Mohair or Alpaca: $85-125

    • Horsehair: $150+

    • K-style and Sawbuck style cinches: $175+


I probably get more questions, over the years, about war bridles then any other tack I make. These are just some of my thoughts and recommendations about using them. First, I recommend them only for well-broke horses. Horses that work almost exclusively off of the rider's seat and legs, and that carry a bit quietly. Think of a war bridle as an emergency brake, not a steering wheel.

Meet the Person Behind the Scenes

As you all know, Heather does wonderful work with creating her hand made cinches and other tack items. But, she needed a little assistance with her website. So, she asked me to assist, I am a website developer in Central Nebraska but Heather and I went to college together. She now has the ability to send me quick messages about her website and knows they will be done in a timely manner. I love assisting small businesses with their online needs and make the lives of my clients much easier!

Price List

Still Under Construction!! Will get 2017 prices up as soon as possible.