
Looking forward to spring, keep an eye out for new products in the store. I am also taking orders for March.

I probably get more questions, over the years, about war bridles then any other tack I make. These are just some of my thoughts and recommendations about using them. First, I recommend them only for well-broke horses. Horses that work almost exclusively off of the rider's seat and legs, and that carry a bit quietly. Think of a war bridle as an emergency brake, not a steering wheel.

 The string included is to make a lightweight headstall to be used to keep the horse from attempting to spit out or chew on the war bridle. For some horses, it takes a while to get used to the different feel. The string should be tied fairly loose, so the horse learns to hold the war bridle and not relying on the string to holding it. But tight enough to prevent the horse from getting there tongue over the mouthpiece and spitting it out. Some horses never can be trusted with a war bridle. My main mare rides beautifully in one but she able to randomly spit it out. So, with her, I almost always keep the string on, unless I'm just messing around the barn and house.


Don't let your horse eat with war bridle on. The movement of the tongue will most likely cause the horse to spit it out or will be damaged by the horse chewing. Along the same lines, I recommend that you take the war bridle off, to let your horse have a drink.


I also recommend using lighter weight reins. The motion and weight of heavy reins can make it difficult for some horses to hold the war bridle in their mouth. Also, never lead your horse by the reins. If there is a possibility you will have to get off and lead your horse, I recommend using a get down-rope for a lead. If you are using split reins, you can tie one tightly around the throatlatch. In doing so, the pressure of leading, with the other rein, is at the poll of the horse and no pressure on the mouth. This is similar to tying a mecate rein around the neck, so as not to pull the bosal off the nose when leading.


If the war bridle has a leather-covered mouthpiece, it needs to be conditioned. What I recommend is using OLIVE OIL as a conditioner and should be applied regularly after use. If your button starts sliding too easily, submerging in very hot water will shrink it down so it's tighter. Again, this is just my opinion. People have many reasons for wanting to try on, and they may work great for situations that I personally wouldn't use them for. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to message me.




I was interested in war

I was interested in war bridal. That’s what brought me to your site.

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